• The Myth of the Longevity Elixir

    Updated: 2012-10-31 19:15:58
    The search for a single elixir or combination of elixirs, which can allow substantial longevity, is false. http://www.ieet.org/images/uploads/alchemist.png

  • Brave New Nano: Flexible phones & graphene gadgets in RT’s

    Updated: 2012-10-31 19:15:58
    What exactly is ‘nano’? It’s become a buzzword, spawning many gimmicky products over the recent years, but what role will the real nano technology play in our lives? From smart metro tickets to futuristic flexible electronics, RT’s Technology Update’s got the future covered.

  • A Tour of the Cell

    Updated: 2012-10-31 19:15:58
    Paul Andersen takes you on a tour of the cell. He starts by explaining the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. He also explains why cells are small but not infinitely small. He also explains how the organelles work together in a similar fashion.

  • Our Thoughts With IEET Readers Affected by Hurricane Sandy

    Updated: 2012-10-31 19:15:58
    As of this morning millions of people in the Northeast of the United States are still without power, and many are stranded in homes damaged by flooding with transportation blocked by fallen trees. We hope you are all safe and restored as soon as possible.

  • Can We Control the Weather?

    Updated: 2012-10-31 19:15:58
    Will we be able to control the weather within 100 years?

  • Songs for a humanist playlist

    Updated: 2012-10-30 17:59:36
    Add your suggestions to the comments.

  • Helpful Voting Information for Southern California

    Updated: 2012-10-30 05:18:00

  • Singularity Summit 2012 on KTVU2

    Updated: 2012-10-20 10:23:05
    Singularity Summit 2012 coverage on television. The full set of videos from the Summit will be uploaded at Fora.tv starting in a week or two. PolicyMic also has coverage of the Summit.

  • Preserving and inferring

    Updated: 2012-10-17 17:31:55
    Institute for Evidence Based Cryonics Home About Organization What is cryonics Scientists' Open Letter on Cryonics Depressed Metabolism Blog Mailing Lists Sitemap Preserving and inferring 17. October 2012 Comments Off Categories : Cryonics Science Written by : Aschwin de Wolf on October 17, 2012. A common complaint against cryonics is that existing cryopreservation technologies may not be good enough to preserve the ultrastructure of the human brain . Advocates of cryonics often object that such views do not reflect actual inspection of the evidence of cryopreserved brains but instead reflect misconceptions about freezing” and ice formation rupturing cells . But the more fundamental misconception rests on the view that for cryonics to work flawless preservation of the brain is absolutely .

  • New Volunteer Platform Launch

    Updated: 2012-10-15 09:58:01
    Our new volunteer platform is up and running! For the past couple of months we thought hard about how to improve our volunteer program. After evaluating a number of different volunteer management platforms we decided to partner with Youtopia, a … Continue reading →

  • is this the real life, is this just a complex cosmological simulation?

    Updated: 2012-10-14 11:25:28
    Welcome back to yet another installment of the question of whether we’re all just products of an advanced simulation that created an entire universe, but this time, instead of plunging deep into the lore of the Matrix with Moore’s Law hijinks and philosophy, we’ll be hunting for physical proof that the universe is actually a [...]

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